Accueil Nano-phot

NANO-PHOT Graduate School Master


Nanophotonics (« photonics “+”nanotechnology”) is at the crossroad of at least 2 of the 6 Key Enabling Technologies, defined by the European Community as a priority of its industrial policy, given its connection to socioeconomic stakes in the fields of energy, telecommunications, security, health and environment.
For 25 years, in partnership with URCA, UTT has been developing a programme on nanophotonics targeted for master and doctorate students, with a focus on teaching and research. Students can access the regional platform Nano’Mat to conduct their experiments.

The Nano-Phot Graduate School (GS) aims at offering an unparalleled program of excellence, with an international dimension and in direct contact with scientific and socioeconomic stakes related to the use of light, on a nanometric scale and in a sustainable development approach. Creating a global dimension, this GS dedicated to nanophotonics involves research staff in an ambitious education program in order to train the next generations of researchers and professionals at the cutting edge of nanophotonic’s sciences and technologies.