Why to apply ?
The Nano-Phot Graduate School (GS) aims at offering an unparalleled 5-years programme of excellence, with an international dimension and in direct contact with scientific and socioeconomic stakes related to the use of light, on a nanometric scale and in a sustainable development approach.Creating a global dimension, this GS dedicated to nanophotonics involves research staff in an ambitious education program in order to train the next generations of researchers and professionals at the cutting edge of nanophotonic’s sciences and technologies.
Nano-Phot is based on four pillars:
- the internationalization of our research and training,
- the cross-fertilization between academics, industry and society,
- the use of innovative teaching methods, involving new teaching technics and tools,
- the promotion of interdisciplinarity in the frame of nano-optics and its applications
Student Interview
Application procedure
The next application process will start from February 2025, for an entry in September ONLY (no re-entry possible in February).
For foreign students
Application Dates & Deadlines
The application platform will be open from 3rd February 2025 to 14th April 2025.
ALL applications should begin by an email to the NANO-PHOT contact (see the insert "Contact")
Then, ALL applications should been made through the mentionned website platform (see below). You will need to upload the following documents :- Motivation letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Last completed degree
- Transcript of marks and description of each followed lecture, for each academic year after High School.
- 2 Recommandation letters
- Proof of language level: TCF, TOEIC, LINGUASKILL ... (a provisional certificate can be provided while waiting for the proof);
- ID
- NANO-PHOT program requires a B1 certification in English.
Download the guide for applicants HERE
File Requirements for Uploading Documents
Format: Scanned and saved as a PDF file (photos are not accepted). File size should be 10MB or less.
For any other question about the application process, please send an email to nanophot@utt.fr.
Pour les étudiants français
Dates de candidature
La plateforme nationale de candidature "Mon Master" est accessible du 25 février 2025 au 24 mars 2025.
Il suffit de chercher NANO-PHOT pour trouver la mention PAIP (Physique Appliquée et Ingenierie Physique) dans laquelle NANO-PHOT est un parcours.
Pour NANO-PHOT, vous devez candidater à l'UTT même si la mention est co-accréditée entre l'UTT et l'URCA. Seule l'UTT gère les admissions pour NANO-PHOT.
Pour NANO-PHOT, vous devez candidater à l'UTT même si la mention est co-accréditée entre l'UTT et l'URCA. Seule l'UTT gère les admissions pour NANO-PHOT.
Date of update 24 mars 2025